Inter Products Marketing Sdn Bhd
Klang, Selangor, Malaysia.
+6016-305 9138

Mixed Cellulose Ester (MCE) Filter Membrane

Mixed Cellulose Ester (MCE) Filter Membrane Mixed Cellulose Ester (MCE) Filter Membrane Disc Filter Membrane Analytical Laboratory

Mixed cellulose ester(MCE) membrane filters are composed of cellulose acetate and cellulose nitrate. Because MCE membrane is biologically inert, it’s widely used in analytical and research applications. MCE membrane filter is characterized by smoother and more uniform surface than pure nitrocellulose filter. Also, the color contrast provided by the filter surface facilitates particle detection and minimizes eye fatigue.

Many microbiological techniques include colony counting after incubation as the standard method of quantification. Gridded filters have clearly defined grid lines spaced at 3.1 mm intervals. The special ink used is nontoxic and completely free from bacterial growth inhibitors. White gridded disks are designed for the recovery and retention of E. Coli bacteria in water/waste-water analysis as well as other microbiological tests. Black mixed cellulose esters(MCE) are available plain for automatic colony counting applications, as well as gridded to assist in manual counting procedures. Black MCE membranes provide contrast between residue or cell colors and the filter without having to counter-stain the membrane.

The sterile gridded membrane filters are supply with or without pads.

Application Color Pore Size(µm)
Microdialysis of DNA and proteins White 0.1
Sterilizing filtration, bioassays White 0.22
Sterilizing filtration, air monitoring, particle monitoring, particle removal, bioassays White 0.3
Clarification of aqueous solutions, particle removal and analysis, microbiology analysis White 0.45
Fluorescent bacteriological assays, particle monitoring, bioassays White 0.45
Particle monitoring, particle removal, dairy microbiology, retention of yeasts, molds and algae White 0.65
Air monitoring, particle monitoring, particle removal, bioassays White 0.8
Fluorescent assays, particle monitoring, air monitoring White 0.8
Clarification of aqueous solutions White 1
QC of fluid holding tanks, fluid monitoring, air monitoring, particle collection and analysis White 3
QC of fluid holding tanks, fluid monitoring, particle collection and analysis White 5
QC of fluid holding tanks, fluid monitoring, air monitoring, particle collection and analysis White 8

  • High porosity
  • High protein binding can be blocked by pre-treatment or utilized in application
  • High purity: Triton-free
  • Sterile options available for critical applications
  • Biologically inert with good thermal stability
  • High degree of internal surface area for greater adsorption of product

Technical Specifications

Pore Size(um) Color Bubble Point(Bar)
0.1 White 14.1
0.22 White 3.62
0.45 White 2.23
0.8 White 0.95
3 White 0.69
5 White 0.56

Catalogue No. Description Qty / box
MCE02213-400 MCE Membrane Filter, 0.22µm, 13mm 400
MCE04513-400 MCE Membrane Filter, 0.45µm, 13mm 400
MCE0813-400 MCE Membrane Filter, 0.8µm, 13mm 400
MCE313-400 MCE Membrane Filter, 3.0µm, 13mm 400
MCE513-400 MCE Membrane Filter, 5.0µm, 13mm 400
MCE0125-200 MCE Membrane Filter, 0.10µm, 25mm 200
MCE02225-200 MCE Membrane Filter, 0.22µm, 25mm 200
MCE04525-200 MCE Membrane Filter, 0.45µm, 25mm 200
MCE0825-200 MCE Membrane Filter, 0.8µm, 25mm 200
MCE325-200 MCE Membrane Filter, 3.0µm, 25mm 200
MCE525-200 MCE Membrane Filter, 5.0µm, 25mm 200
MCE0147-200 MCE Membrane Filter, 0.10µm, 47mm 200
MCE02247-200 MCE Membrane Filter, 0.22µm, 47mm 200
MCE04547-200 MCE Membrane Filter, 0.45µm, 47mm 200
MCE0847-200 MCE Membrane Filter, 0.8µm, 47mm 200
MCE347-200 MCE Membrane Filter, 3.0µm, 47mm 200
MCE547-200 MCE Membrane Filter, 5.0µm, 47mm 200
MCE02250-50 MCE Membrane Filter, 0.22µm, 50mm 50
MCE04550-50 MCE Membrane Filter, 0.45µm, 50mm 50
MCE0190-50 MCE Membrane Filter, 0.10µm, 90mm 50
MCE02290-50 MCE Membrane Filter, 0.22µm, 90mm 50
MCE04590-50 MCE Membrane Filter, 0.45µm, 90mm 50
MCE0890-50 MCE Membrane Filter, 0.8µm, 90mm 50
MCE390-50 MCE Membrane Filter, 3.0µm, 90mm 50
MCE590-50 MCE Membrane Filter, 5.0µm, 90mm 50
MCE022142-50 MCE Membrane Filter, 0.22µm, 142mm 50
MCE045142-50 MCE Membrane Filter, 0.45µm, 142mm 50
MCE08142-50 MCE Membrane Filter, 0.8µm, 142mm 50
MCE3142-50 MCE Membrane Filter, 3.0µm, 142mm 50
MCE5142-50 MCE Membrane Filter, 5.0µm, 142mm 50
MCE022293-25 MCE Membrane Filter, 0.22µm, 293mm 25
MCE045293-25 MCE Membrane Filter, 0.45µm, 293mm 25
MCE08293-25 MCE Membrane Filter, 0.8µm, 293mm 25
MCE3293-25 MCE Membrane Filter, 3.0µm, 293mm 25
MCE5293-25 MCE Membrane Filter, 5.0µm, 293mm 25


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